Monday, February 20, 2006

What's up this week?

After my birthday celebrations and St. Valentine's day, life has been quite quiet. My 3 projects are ticking along but not one is yet completely fulfilled; so, they keep me occupied.
Went to the cinema on Saturday with Eladio and Oli to see Memoirs of a Geisha which I absolutely adored and would thoroughly recommend. Eladio hated it but then I think it's more a woman's film. I want to buy the book now.
This week will be quiet. Wednesday I have an interview (first round), Thursday I will be seeing Mamen and Friday I will be going to the doctors (just routine ladies' stuff). In between time I will be cooking, washing, ironing, reading the newspapers with the men in my house and going for our brisk walk every afternoon.
Hope yours is more fun.


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